Medievil - Scarecrow Fields

Описание к видео Medievil - Scarecrow Fields

The Scarecrow Fields in my Medievil walkthrough.

The toughest level so far, the Scarecrow enemies take quite a beating and the metallic 'mini bosses' can be tricky to deal with. At the Haystacks wait for enemies to appear, you have to kill them one at a time. but 2-3 may appear from the Haystack.

You'll soon encounter the metallic enemy. The trick is to run between its legs and shoot your Crossbow at it from behind. Knock it's face off, then kill the Imp controlling it. The second one of these uses fire, which you can block with your Silver Shield.

You'll come to a small maze of corn fields. Don't go into the fields, or you'll lose a life bottle instantly. There's also a chest that releases a serpent like dragon to aid you in killing monsters. Release her and mop up around the fields.

Now you have to go through several traps in mills to get a gear part for the Harvester. They're fairly simple... Head back to the Harvester and use the part, travel along the field it takes for an extra Life Bottle, some replenishment and money as well as the Chalice which should be filled by now. Then leave the level.

The Hall of Heroes will reward you with a Broad Sword. The most useful killing tool you'll have for a while (particularly when charged).

The path is pretty split now, but I decide to go the Pumpkin route for the next 2 levels.


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