Golden Water Chestnut Cake (aka. Ma Tai Go) Recipe (黃金馬蹄糕) with Papa Fung

Описание к видео Golden Water Chestnut Cake (aka. Ma Tai Go) Recipe (黃金馬蹄糕) with Papa Fung

A smooth, light and sweet jelly-like cake with a crunch from the water chestnut chunks. You can serve it cooled or pan-fried for an extra crispy outer layer to give it more texture. It's a dish usually eaten during Chinese New Year.

0:00 Intro
00:16 Part 1: Prep
4:00 Finale (Fresh)
4:12 Part 2: Pan Fry Method
5:01 Finale (Pan-fried)

This recipe makes 30 pieces. [製成三十塊。]

350g Water Chestnut Flour [馬蹄粉]
20g Custard Powder [吉士粉]
0.5lb Water Chestnut [馬蹄]
100g Rock Sugar [冰糖]
200g Slab Cane Sugar [片糖]
1.8L Water [水]

1. Wash and remove the skin of the water chestnuts. Finely dice the water chestnuts, set aside. [洗淨馬蹄去皮,切粒備用。]
2. Pour half of the water (900ml) in a pot place slab sugar and rock sugar in, slowly melt the sugar in low-medium low heat. [煮滾半份水溶糖備用。]
3. Meanwhile, combine water chestnut flour with custard powder, add the rest of the water (900ml) in and mix until combined. Sift the mixture twice to make sure it is smooth. [將馬蹄粉和吉士粉混合好,用餘下半份水開成粉漿,過篩二次確保幼滑。]
4. Once the sugar has completely melted, pour 3 scoops of the water chestnut mixture into the boiling sugar syrup, give it a quick stir. Add in diced water chestnut, stir, then pour in the rest of the water chestnut mixture, stir until combined. [先逐次落馬蹄粉漿落糖水中快速攪拌,共三売,每次必須攪拌均勻,隨後加入馬蹄拌勻,再加上餘下粉漿攪拌均勻。]
5. Prepare an oiled pan, pour the mixture in, and steam for 30 minutes. [糕盆搽油,倒入粉漿,水滾計蒸三十分鐘即可。]
6. Serve when the cake is completely cooled. If you want to pan fry it, it is best to let it sit overnight, then slice it up, coat it in custard powder, pan fry until golden brown on both sides, serve. [待糕涼透即可切片食用,如要煎則要隔天較佳,煎時撲上吉士粉,煎至兩面金黃色即可。]
Music/Sound Credits:
Rudolph (Prod. by Lukrembo)
Guitar Be-bop3 by Kaponja
Reverse Strum by Niffshack
Blip Plock Pop by Onikage22
5.5.16 by InspectorJ

Fujifilm XT3
Fujifilm XF80mm F2.8
Fujifilm XF 35mm F1.4
DJI Osmo 3
Vanguard Alta Pro 263AB Tripod


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