Types of Meditation

Описание к видео Types of Meditation

What type of meditation do you practice? Regardless of the type you practice, here is an insightful video to help you to build on your meditation.

In this video, these are the pearls of wisdom for you to take away:

*How to begin meditation?
Are you a beginner? Starting on the journey of meditation? Learn how to begin the practice of meditation
* How to meditate on Formless Meditation?
Are you physically and mentally ready for this type of advanced meditation, reflect and review on your practice
*How to build your focus to maintain sharpness in Meditation?
Small things matter. Small details matter. Mindfulness matter most in meditation.
*How to switch from one form of meditation to another form of meditation during practice?
Take up the challenge and explore.

Meditation can be either done on a form or it can be done on formless. Is meditating on formless better than on a form as many people believe it to be? Both are good and to meditate on the formless is the highest form of meditation. But to reach that stage where one can meditate on the formless, one has to start on the form first. Once you build focus on meditating on a form it helps in building and maintaining the sharpness in meditation. Without that sharpness you will not know even if you lose your clarity while meditating on the formless. So starting with a form, sound or breath helps initially. While meditating you may switch between any form of meditation. You can start with form and move to formless or you can do it the other way round too. You can also do witness meditation or contemplative meditation to maintain focus or stick to any one meditation which brings in a sense of bliss and peace which you are able to maintain for some time even after the session is over.

If you are meditating on a form, a sound or an object then the only real way to know you are meditating correctly is to behold that form, the sound or the object in front of your inner eye. If it looses its sharpness you know you are not meditating correctly and your mind has gone off to some other train of thoughts. If you are meditating on thoughtlessness or formless, it is one of the highest forms of meditation because when you are meditating on the formless your mind is looking at itself. It is the ultimate state to be in. It’s like the waves merging in the ocean and you become the ocean. There is nothing left. You loose that individual I-ness that I exist. The individual existence forms the part of the ego and you lose it completely.
Once somebody asked Ramakrishna Paramhansa that I only believe in meditating on the formless and that is where I want to start. Ramakrishna replied to him that when an archer starts to learn archery he begins by shooting at a still object and once he is proficient in shooting at that then he starts aiming at moving objects.

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