快餐经典薯泥 Mashed Potatoes Recipe 大人小孩都爱 | Mr. Hong Kitchen

Описание к видео 快餐经典薯泥 Mashed Potatoes Recipe 大人小孩都爱 | Mr. Hong Kitchen

这款经典马铃薯泥是我们从小吃到大的 非常怀念 如果想吃更多可以自己动手做哦 你的家人一定会很喜欢

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Ingredients (Diana Aw)
1. Potato 5pcs, peel and wash, then into cubes
2. Peppercorn, blended to fine
3. Chicken stock/cube 1/2pc/powder 1-1.5tsp
4. Butter 1 small piece (for gravy)
5. Plain flour 2tbsp
6. Black soya sauce, little
7. Butter 2 small pieces (for potato)
8. Fresh milk 3-4 tbsp ~80ml

1. Place the potatoes in a wok of water and turn on fire. Add 1tsp of salt. Bring to boil and cook for 15-20min, till it’s soft. Drain and set aside
2. Add the chicken powder in a small pot of water and bring to boil, till powder dissolves. Set aside
3. Melt the butter in the wok and add in the plain flour and stir till aromatic.
4. Add in the chicken stock and mix till the flour is dissolved.
5. Add in pepper and black soya sauce and mix well. Set aside
6. Stir fry the potato to reduce any moisture and smash till fine. Add in butter and mix till well combined. Add in milk slowly and mix well.
7. Scoop the mashed potatoes in a bowl first, then flip over on a plate. Drizzle the gravy on top of it.
8. Serve and enjoy! 💕

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   / mrhongkitchen阿鸿厨房  

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