茄汁蝦碌🦐椒鹽大花蝦🦐自己簡單調製茄汁香煎大蝦🔥啖啖沾滿茄汁👍又香又脆😋一睇就做到🤝包你食到舔舔脷🤗小朋友至愛👧🏻做節靚餸 Prawns in heavy tomato syrup

Описание к видео 茄汁蝦碌🦐椒鹽大花蝦🦐自己簡單調製茄汁香煎大蝦🔥啖啖沾滿茄汁👍又香又脆😋一睇就做到🤝包你食到舔舔脷🤗小朋友至愛👧🏻做節靚餸 Prawns in heavy tomato syrup

⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️


1. 虎蝦,清水解凍。
2. 解凍後,沖洗乾淨,擎乾水。
3. 剪去眼部、頭部尖角、尾部、鬚爪及蝦腳。
4. 在蝦身的前端,頭下邊的位置,剪開少許,用牙簽挑出蝦腸,拉直蝦身,輕力取出腸。
5. 剪開頭部少許,檢查腸臟是否已完全除去。
6. 吹乾或用廚紙索乾蝦。
7. 預備醬汁:
a. 冰糖4粒
b. 茄汁3湯匙
c. 泰式辣醬1湯匙
d. 水100毫升
8. 青瓜,清水洗淨。
9. 青瓜,斜切一片片,放碟邊。
10. 蝦,已吹乾,均勻地沾上生粉。

1. 大火在鑊中燒熱油300毫升。
2. 輕手逐隻蝦放入鑊煎。
3. 轉中火,繼續煎。
4. 一面煎至脆身,反轉另一面繼續煎至脆身。
5. 夾起蝦,倒去鑊中的油。
6. 放蝦回鑊,開大火,倒醬汁落鑊,壓碎冰糖,轉中慢火,盡快煮溶冰糖,避免蝦煮得時間過長。
7. 汁已收乾,夾蝦碌上碟,完成,可享用。

Prawns in heavy tomato syrup:

Tiger prawns 6 Nos.
Cucumber 1 log
Tomato 1 No.
Thai chili sauce
Tomato ketchup
Rock sugar 4 Nos.

1. Prawns, defrost with tap water.
2. Rinse after defrost. Hang dry.
3. Cut its eyes, sharp ends, and all of its swimming legs.
4. Cut a small hole under its head, use a toothpick to remove its intestines, pull it straightly, take it out lightly.
5. Check see whether its intestines has been totally removed.
6. Prawns, dry them in room temperature or by kitchen towels.
7. Prepare the sauce:
a. Rock sugar 4 Nos.
b. Tomato ketchup 3 tbsp
c. Thai chili sauce 1 tbsp
d. Water 100ml
Mix well.
8. Cucumber, get it rinsed.
Tomato, rinse it.
9. Cucumber, slantly cut in slices. Put on side of plate.
Tomato, cut in slices. Put on side of plate as well.
10. Prawns, have been dried up in room temperature, mix well with tapioca starch.

1. Heat up oil 300ml at high flame in wok.
2. Put prawns one by one lightly in wok to fry.
3. Turn to medium flame, continue frying.
4. One side has been fried into golden yellow, flip it over. Continue to fry until they become crispy.
5. Pick up prawns, pour away oil in wok.
6. Put prawns into wok again. Turn to high flame, pour the sauce into wok, break the rock sugar into small cubes. Turn to medium~low flame, melt the rock sugar as soon as possible to avoid overcooking the prawns.
7. Sauce has been turned thick. Pick up prawns on plate. Complete. Serve.

茄汁蝦碌 😋秘訣大公開🍳🦐方便做法👍過節必煮Shrimp in Tomato Sauce


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