MP72-73 Korea and World Peace: President Truman Reports to the People

Описание к видео MP72-73 Korea and World Peace: President Truman Reports to the People

This Paramount newsreel provides excerpts from President Harry S. Truman's radio and television report to the American people on the situation in Korea, September 1, 1950. The speech was broadcast from the White House. In it, President Truman discussed the Korean War, why the United Nations was fighting there, and what the objectives were.

This newsreel was produced by Paramount. It is copyrighted material and may not be used without permission from the Sherman Grinberg Film Library: The Truman Library has posted this with permission. Please credit: Paramount News. Harry S. Truman Library.

This film is part of the Motion Picture series at the Truman Library. Please see this link for the National Archives Catalog record:


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