At Home Back Handspring Drills

Описание к видео At Home Back Handspring Drills


Make sure you warm up before you start and have enough space.

We recommend doing 10-15 reps of each!😊
Drill 1: aim for a fast arm swing up to ears with an explosive jump from the athletic stance position.
Drill 2: interlock hands, keep feet together, focus on a neutral head position and controlling the movement.
Drill 3: Squeeze you butt at the top!
Drill 4: Squeeze your whole body and block through your shoulders! Think about the ‘angry cat’ shape.
Drill 5: Bonus points if you can do this with your feet together! Push through the balls of your feet and aim to get your legs off the floor nice and straight before coming back down
Drill 6: Fast arms! This one could be done on a bed; make sure your arms stay close to your body and don’t come out to the sides.
Drill 7: Keep both feet together & a neutral head, control is key here!

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