World's Most Advanced Relaxation Class (2018)

Описание к видео World's Most Advanced Relaxation Class (2018)

Meet a movement class that needed 5000 years to be created. In fact, all of human history. We needed to develop not only meditation, but also psychology, cognitive sciences, developmental sciences, and neurosciences to arrive at an understanding of how movement affects the nervous system and thus the whole self.

This practice-only (no theory) advanced movement class stands at the epitome of all relaxation methods. I present it an a very simple way, everybody can participate and benefit from it. Try it for yourself!


Class notes can be found here:

They will help to remind you of all the steps when you practice on your own. Or when you want to use this class in your own classes – no matter whether you are teaching Yoga or Meditation classes or want to lead a couple of high profile CEOs through a quick relaxing routine in a business related workshop. This class is suitable for all ages and all levels of experience.


In addition, my books (shown at the end of the video) are available for purchase via

Thank you so much for your support !


Somatic education is a field within bodywork and movement studies which emphasizes internal physical perception and experience. The term is used in movement therapy to signify approaches based on the soma, or "the body as perceived from within," including Alexander technique, the Feldenkrais Method, and Rolfing. In dance, the term refers to techniques based on the dancer's internal sensation, in contrast with "performative techniques".

On my Youtube channel "Feldenkrais With Alfons" I try to present the rather hard to understand and difficult to study FELDENKRAIS® Method Of Somatic Education in a way that is accessible to everyone. This will give everyone with an Internet connection the chance to get to know the FELDENKRAIS® Method – to learn more about awareness, mindfulness, how to take care of one's own health, and to become better day by day.

If you're interested in the science and origins of the FELDENKRAIS® Method please read Dr. Moshé Feldenkrais's books, for example "Awareness Through Movement", "The Elusive Obvious", or "Body and Mature Behaviour: A Study of Anxiety, Sex, Gravitation & Learning", all available on Amazon or to order at your bookstore.


Please give a THUMBS UP. Help the videos to become more popular by thumbs up, commenting, subscribing and sharing.

See my book "My Feldenkrais Book" on how to do Feldenkrais lessons

Please use the comment section to share your experiences, questions, and insights. You're welcome to read and discuss everyone's comments.


IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SUPPORT my YouTube video production, with any amount you like starting from 1$, any donation is greatly appreciated:


Wish you a good time on the floor,
thanks for your support,


Music credits:

Angelic Forest, YouTube Audio Library, Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions

Scratch Sample, templeofhades

Home time 1N40


Alfons Grabher (me) is a certified FELDENKRAIS® Practitioner, born in 1974 in Vienna, Austria, Europe. He also is a graduate Engineer (University of Applied Sciences, Vienna), specialized in Biomedical Engineering. Prior to becoming a FELDENKRAIS® Practitioner he has worked for over a decade as a Software Engineer and Consultant.


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