娘惹粽子的做法💕偏甜带一点辣,香气十足,口感绝佳不油腻,超级的好吃💯🔥Nyonya Rice Dumplings💕sweet and a little spicy, full of aroma

Описание к видео 娘惹粽子的做法💕偏甜带一点辣,香气十足,口感绝佳不油腻,超级的好吃💯🔥Nyonya Rice Dumplings💕sweet and a little spicy, full of aroma



3)热锅热油,爆香蒜加1勺豆瓣酱, 炒均匀加入香菇,冬瓜糖,肉末,芫茜粉、胡椒粉、盐、黑酱油炒熟均匀备用

Nyonya Rice Dumplings💕sweet and a little spicy, full of aroma, excellent taste, not greasy, super delicious💯🔥

Ingredients: 1 handful of Bamboo leaves, 1kg of glutinous rice, 20 mushrooms, 80 grams of shallots, 80 grams of garlic, 1 spoon of bean paste, 700 grams of minced meat, 350 grams of candied winted melon, 50 grams of coriander powder, 2 spoons of pepper, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 tablespoon dark soy sauce, blue flower water, a little pandan leaf

1) Soak the leaves & mushrooms overnight
2) minced garlic and shallots
3) Heat oil in a hot pan, saute garlic and add 1 tablespoon of bean paste, stir fry evenly, add mushrooms, winter melon sugar, minced meat, coriander powder, pepper, salt, dark soy sauce and stir fry evenly and set aside
4) Boil the blue flower to make blue water
5) Heat oil in a hot pan, add shallots and fry until golden brown, add glutinous rice and fry until the water becomes dry, take out 2/3 of the glutinous rice, add blue flower water to the rest and fry again
6) Take out 2 leaves, fold them into a cylindrical shape, wrap the frying ingredients, tie the threads, put them in the pressure cooker and cook for 15 minutes, then simmer for 15 minutes when done ❤️


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