Dynasty Warriors 8: XL CE - Shu Story Mode 3-X - Disturbance at Guandu (Ultimate)

Описание к видео Dynasty Warriors 8: XL CE - Shu Story Mode 3-X - Disturbance at Guandu (Ultimate)

This stage you unlock by failing the hypothetical objective at Xu Province and allowing Guan Yu to be captured by Guo Jia. This stage has us working with Yuan Shao for the first half until you meet up with Guan Yu, at which point he gets pissed what with Guan Yu just killing his best officers and drops everything to go after Liu Bei. Then you have to deal with both enemy armies as you try to just GTFO. The enemy officers are all powered up so they can be a threat if you stop to fight them, especially at the end when they all try to rush you.

Playing Zhao Yun again. The early stages of Shu don't have a lot of variety in character select, it's mostly just the three brothers and Zhao Yun.


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