Mauritian Chicken Tikka

Описание к видео Mauritian Chicken Tikka

Here's, Chef Deo, sharing his recipe, how to prepare Chicken Tikka "Tikka Poulet"

Chicken Tikka is another popular dish which ravish Mauritian people. These delicious fried breaded chicken fillets are often served as a starter or as a snack and these can be also served as a main dish as a Mauritian Style Burger “Du Pain Tikka Poulet” #chickentikka #poulettikka #dupaintikka

Mauritian Chicken Tikka, served with some Chilli Sauce or even as our typical street peddlers would do, served in a nice "Pain Fourré or Burger Bun"!

It’s an easy snack recipe that you can whip up in minutes to beat hunger pangs!Moreover, they're delicious and much more satisfying than the store-bought stuff.



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