Who is Your Ginny Weasley?

Описание к видео Who is Your Ginny Weasley?

At the beginning of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Ginny Weasley is easy to ignore. She's a young girl, clumsy and love-sick. What's going on in her life doesn't seem "important" in the grand scheme of things. But what if someone had taken the time to listen to her?

Harry Potter and the Sacred Text is a weekly podcast reading Harry Potter, the best-selling series of all time, as if it was a sacred text.

We ask the questions: What if we read the books we love as if they were sacred texts? What would we learn? How might they change us?

Season two, about Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, launches late October, 2016.


Animation: Hannah O'Neal, Taryn Johnson
Writers: Vanessa Zoltan, Casper ter Kuile, Ariana Nedelman
Voices: Vanessa Zoltan, Casper ter Kuile
Audio Production: Ariana Nedelman


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