Stop Blaming Others - Life After 50

Описание к видео Stop Blaming Others - Life After 50

Stop Blaming Others
You cannot always have been perfect
Much of your life is about your choices

I recently spent time with a person who had an epic skill at passing the buck and blaming other people for every issue in her business and life. She could not accept any responsibility for her actions and mistakes that created problems for her and others. And when confronted or pushed she deflected.

It was like talking to Donald Trump. Deflect, blame, switch the truth. The whole experience opened my eyes, and I realize we are all often guilty of this pointing fingers for problems at others and trying to make ourselves look flawless.

But I have flaws, and much of my current situation (good and not as good) has come from choices I have made, not things other people did to me.

Yes, there are things that come along that impact you that are out of your control (I have been hurt by things and people and I had no choice). But if everything is because of others, you will be stuck in a loop and never get to your potential.

I am working to stop pointing fingers and blaming others. I am not going to manipulate truth to ensure I look good. I have to own my choices, and my advice is we should all be more honest about situations and stop blaming everyone else.

As I go along my journey to make age 50 to 75 the best years of my life, taking ownership of the problems I face is a key part to busting those problems and not repeating them.

Stop blaming others. You will find more success and be able to learn from your mistakes.

#lifeafter50 #lifeover50 #stopblamingothers

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No matter who you are, you can transform your life after 50.

If you are feeling stuck in life after 50... you are not alone.

We are all seeking how to start over in life at 50, and I hope some of the videos on this channel are helpful you your in your "Success After 50" journey.

This channel is about how to reinvent yourself over 50 (or at any age) and is designed show ways to highlight health over 50, travel over 50, enjoying life over 50, etc... It is true that life gets better after 50 (if you choose to make it true).


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