雙腳乏力行路唔穩陣可能是頸椎狹窄症I簡單運動舒緩-脊醫王鳳恩 (中/Eng Sub) Simple exercises for cervical stenosis-Dr Matty Wong DC

Описание к видео 雙腳乏力行路唔穩陣可能是頸椎狹窄症I簡單運動舒緩-脊醫王鳳恩 (中/Eng Sub) Simple exercises for cervical stenosis-Dr Matty Wong DC

今天我會教大家幾個簡單動作去舒緩頸椎狹窄症. 頸椎狹窄是因為頸椎長時間勞損和我們年紀大時脊椎骨開始退化, 椎間盤已經磨損磨蝕.所以脊椎與脊椎間的距離也很近的.在頸椎因為脊椎的空間都比較小和椎管空間也比較小, 所以當椎間盤磨蝕和骨與骨之間的距離越來越近的時候, 頸椎壓神經線的徵狀就會嚴重多了, 例如我們常見有些病人就是雙手麻痹和有機會雙腳就有點不穩定....

Today I will teach you a few exercises to relieve cervical spinal stenosis. The cervical spine suffer from long-term wear and tear. As we get older the spinal vertebrae start to degenerate. The intervertebral discs also worn out degenerate, space between the vertebrae has become narrower. And it narrow the cervical spine canal. Therefore the space inside spinal canal is also smaller. Disc degeneration and the distance between each vertebrae is closer and the symptoms of cervical nerve compression is more severe. We often see patients with numbness in both hands and a chance of instability in both legs.....

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Disclaimer: The content and information provided on this video is for reference only and does not replace medical assessment or professional treatment. Please consult registered chiropractor or registered medical doctor for inquiry


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