#chefdaveveganjourney #veganfood #veganrecipe #resipivegan #veganstyle #malaysianchef #veganchef #MakanLokal #MYFoodie

Masa penyediaan : 25 minit
Masa memasak : 1 jam
Hidangan : 3-4 pax

Bahan untuk nasi lemak:
2 cawan beras
½ cawan santan kotak
2 ½ cawan air
1 bawang kecil
3-4 keping hirisan halia
1 serai(dititik)
3 daun pandan(disimpul)
¼ sudu kecil halba

Bahan untuk sambal:
10 Cili kering gemuk
6 Cili kering
*rebus kedua-dua cili diatas dan tapis tanpa biji cili.
2 Bawang besar*
5 bawang kecil*
2 inchi halia*
1 serai (dititik)
2 helai daun pandan(disimpul)
Asam jawa (sebesar limau kasturi) + sedikit air
1 sudu besar sos tiram vegetarian
1 ½ biji tomato(potong dadu)
Garam secukupnya
2 biji gula melaka(mini saiz)

Bahan lain:
Serbuk kunyit
Garam secukupnya
2 tempeh (potong dadu dan goreng)
½ cawan kacang (digoreng)
2 tauhu (potong dadu dan goreng)
1 biji timun(dihiris)
Ikan bilis vegetarian

Cara memasak nasi lemak:
1 Basuh beras dengan bersih kemudian masukkan kesemua bahan diatas. Lepastu biarkan ia masak dalam periuk nasi. ketepikan

Cara memasak sambal:
1 Kisar halus cili kering yang telah direbus . ketepikan.
2 Kisar kesemua bahan bertanda (*) sehingga halus tanpa air. Macam saya kisar guna food processor. Ketepikan.
3 Sediakan kuali, masukkan minyak kemudian daun pandan dan serai. Kemudian masukkan bahan kisar (*) sehingga naik bau. Masukkan cili kering kisar dan tumis sehingga pecah minyak.
4 Masukkkan tomato, sedikit air dan garam secukupnya. biar dan kacau sehingga tomato hancur.
5 Masukkan air asam jawa, gula melaka, sos tiram vegetarian. kacau sehingga sambal menjadi warna pekat seperti didalam video. Angkat daun pandan dan serai keluar dahulu, kemudian adjust rasa dan sedia untuk dihidang.

Cara memasak bahan lain:
1 Goreng kacang seketika dengan minyak panas. angkat dan ketepikan.
2 Gaulkan tempeh dan tauhu bersama serbuk kunyit dan sedikit garam. Goreng dengan minyak yang panas sehingga keperangan. Angkat dan ketepikan.
3 Sedia untuk dihidang bersama nasi lemak dan sambal

Preparation time: 25 minutes
Cooking time: 1 hour
Servings: 3-4 pax

Ingredients for nasi lemak:
2 cups uncooked rice
½ cup coconut milk
2 ½ cups water
1 small onion
3-4 slices ginger
1 lemongrass (tap)
3 pandan leaves (knotted)
¼ tsp fenugreek

Ingredients for sambal:
10 yidu dry chilies
6 dried chilies
*boil both chilies above and filter without chili seeds.
2 onions*
5 small onions*
2 inches ginger*
1 lemongrass (tap)
2 pandan leaves (knotted)
Tamarind (the size of a lime) + a little water
1 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce
1 ½ tomatoes (diced)
Salt as needed
2 pieces palm sugar (mini size)

Other ingredients:
Turmeric powder
Salt as needed
2 tempeh (diced and fried)
½ cup groundnuts (fried)
2 tofu (diced and fried)
1 cucumber (sliced)
Vegetarian anchovies

Methods for nasi lemak:
1 Wash the rice cleanly then add all the ingredients above. Then let it cook in a rice cooker. set aside

Methods for sambal:
1 Finely grind the dried chili that has been boiled. set aside.
2 Blend all the ingredients marked (*) until smooth without water.I grind using a food processor. Set aside.
3 Prepare a pan, add oil then pandan leaves and lemongrass. Then add the ground ingredients (*) until the aromatic. Add ground dry chilies and stir-fry until the oil breaks.
4 Add tomatoes, a little water and enough salt. leave and stir until the tomatoes are crushed.
5 Add tamarind water, palm sugar, vegetarian oyster sauce. stir until the sambal becomes a thick colour like in the video. Take out the pandan leaves and lemongrass first, then adjust the taste and it's ready to serve.

Methods for other ingredients:
1 Fry the groundnuts with hot oil. lift and set aside.
2 Mix tempeh and tofu with turmeric powder and a little salt. Fry in hot oil until brown. Remove and set aside.
3 Ready to serve with nasi lemak and sambal


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