Isometria | La contrazione isometrica per Massa, Forza [e non solo...]

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Isometria: quello che devi sapere sulla contrazione isometrica per la massa muscolare e per la forza muscolare.

Dalle Yielding Isometrics alle Overcoming Isometrics: la guida all'utilizzo dell'isometria per il bodybuilding, powerlifting e sport di ogni genere.

Approfondisci il tema isometria:

⚽ Scarica la mia Scheda Strength for Sports:

🥊 Scarica la mia Scheda Strength for Combat Sports:

🥋 Scarica la mia Scheda Kettlebell for Combat Sports:

🐆 Scarica la mia Scheda Sprints & Jumps for Sports:

💪🏻 Scarica la mia Scheda Bodybuilding ed aumenta la Massa Muscolare:

⚔️ Scarica la mia Scheda Powerbuilding per l'aumento della Forza e della Massa Muscolare:

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Adattamenti indotti dall’isometria e dal suo utilizzo in palestra:
- Aumento massa muscolare
- Allungamento dei fascicoli muscolari
- Stiffness dei tendini
- P.A.P
- Neuroplasticità
- Riduzione della percezione del dolore
- Aumento Rate of Force Development

Diventiamo forti assieme.

Nicholas Rubini
Strength Coach e Personal Trainer SBS
Studente BSc in Science in Strength & Conditioning, Setanta College.
NASM - Performance Enhancement Specialist
ISSA - Corrective Exercise Specialist
NESTA - Sports Nutrition Specialist

Bibliografia e riferimenti in merito all'allenamento isometrico ed alla forza isometrica.

- Berning, Joseph M., Kent J. Adams, Mark Debeliso, Patricia G. Sevene-Adams, Chad Harris, and Bryant A. Stamford. 2010. “Effect of Functional Isometric Squats on Vertical Jump in Trained and Untrained Men.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 24 (9): 2285–89.

- Cruces, Las, and Silver City. 2010. “Effect of Functional Isometric Squats on Vertical Jump” 24 (9): 2285–89.

- Folland, Jonathan P., Kate Hawker, Ben Leach, Tom Little, and David A. Jones. 2005. “Strength Training: Isometric Training at a Range of Joint Angles versus Dynamic Training.” Journal of Sports Sciences 23 (8): 817–24.

- Jackson, Allen, Timothy Jackson, Jan Hnatek, and Jane West. 1985. “Strength Development: Using Functional Isometrics in an Isotonic Strength Training Program.” Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 56 (3): 234–37.

- Kubo, Keitaro, Hiroaki Kanehisa, Masamitsu Ito, and Tetsuo Fukunaga. 2001. “Effects of Isometric Training on the Elasticity of Human Tendon Structures in Vivo.” Journal of Applied Physiology 91 (1): 26–32.

- Noorkõiv, Marika, Kazunori Nosaka, and Anthony J. Blazevich. 2014. “Neuromuscular Adaptations Associated with Knee Joint Angle-Specific Force Change.” Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 46 (8): 1525–37.

- Rio, E., D. Kidgell, L. Moseley, A. Pearce, J. Gaida, and J. Cook. 2013. “Exercise to Reduce Tendon Pain: A Comparison of Isometric and Isotonic Muscle Contractions and Effects on Pain, Cortical Inhibition and Muscle Strength.” Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 16: e28.

- Schoenfeld, Brad J., Jozo Grgic, Dan Ogborn, and James W. Krieger. 2017. “Strength and Hypertrophy Adaptations between Low- vs. High-Load Resistance Training: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. “Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Vol. 31.

- Isometrics for Performance (Max Schmarzo & Matt Van Dyke)

- Supertraining (Verkhoshansky)


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