Rib Subluxations | Hypermobility Exercises with Jeannie Di Bon

Описание к видео Rib Subluxations | Hypermobility Exercises with Jeannie Di Bon

Rib subluxations can be a daily occurrence if you have hypermobility. Painful and debilitating. This video looks at my clinical experience working with 100s of clients with hypermobility and EDS and how we reduce the incidence of rib subluxations.

Let’s examine how the choice of language can impact lack of movement around the rib cage which in my opinion can increase rib subluxations.

Enjoy a gentle breathing exercise for the ribs!

Let me know how it goes for you in the comment section down below!

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👉🏼Check the rest of my range of offerings for hypermobility: https://jeanniedibon.com/eds-hypermob...

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📖 Read my blog for advice on Hypermobility, EDS, chronic pain, and more: https://jeanniedibon.com/blog/

More at https://jeanniedibon.com/

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#hypermobility #ehlersdanlossyndrome #ehlersdanlos #hypermobile #zebrastrong #ribsubluxation

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P.S. Please do check with your medical practitioner if you decide to try my exercises or courses - especially if you haven't exercised in a while, are pregnant, if you have a balance disorder, are new to exercise or have an ongoing medical condition that may affect your ability to exercise.


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