108 Surya Namaskar | Sun Salutations | Daily Routine For 7 Day 100% Loss 2-3 inches

Описание к видео 108 Surya Namaskar | Sun Salutations | Daily Routine For 7 Day 100% Loss 2-3 inches

If you already know how to do the 12 step Surya Namaskar, this is a good workout for you to listen at home and practice without having to look at a screen. All you need to do is follow the instructions with the breathing pattern and you can practice the
Surya Namaskar.

Audio Credit : Shammis Yogalaya

Disclaimer: Beginners are expected just to get motivated towards yoga. Not to perform 108 Surya Namaskars. Please find a teacher for yourself and work towards it with proper guidance.


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