COUNTRY FRIED Green Beans with Garlic | Vegetarian | Aunty Mary Cooks

Описание к видео COUNTRY FRIED Green Beans with Garlic | Vegetarian | Aunty Mary Cooks

Country Fried Green Beans with Garlic. This is a very easy recipe that Aunty Mary cooks for her family very often. This is a Chinese stir fry recipe that adds a lot of garlic to the green beans for the garlicky flavour. It’s very tasty and goes very well with rice.

Best to fry it with a big pan. You don’t want the green beans to be over crowded. Fire needs to be hot. This green bean dish is full of garlic flavour and beautiful taste of fried soya sauce. It’s suitable for vegetarian too.

Delicious Food Made Easy by Aunty Mary


2 packets fresh green beans (total weight 440g)
1 bulb garlic, chopped (not too fine)
2&1/2T dark soya sauce
pinch of sugar
4-5 Tbsp oil

#AuntyMaryCooks #greenbeans #vegetarian #garlic #ChineseStirFry #AuntyMaryCuisine #DeliciousFoodMadeEasy

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Aunty Mary loves to cook for her family and friends. This channel is all about her simple and fast ways to prepare fresh home cooked meals. However there are some recipes that require more time.

Aunty Mary is a Malaysian and has been living in Aberdeen, Scotland for the past 17 years.She also runs her Malaysian food business.

Aunty Mary hopes this channel will inspire people to enjoy cooking more and bring families and friends closer through food. Home-cooked food is not only healthier but a lot cheaper than eating out.It means saving money.

Translated titles:
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