Comic Book Advertisements - Atop the Fourth Wall

Описание к видео Comic Book Advertisements - Atop the Fourth Wall

Welcome to Atop the Fourth Wall, where bad comics burn. In this episode, Linkara looks at a bunch of advertisements in comic books!

Originally uploaded July 25th, 2011.

ORIGINAL INFO: You will worship hostess fruit pies or they shall take their vengeance upon you!

RUMINATIONS: This episode is, of course, the precursor to the “Comic Book Quickies” segment I would begin doing later. It was already an experimental concept for an episode and I tried to focus in on the feedback I got from people on whether I would do it again or not. Most people agreed that the best part of it was the Hostess ads, but I kept feeling like it wasn’t enough to sustain a single episode – I would need more material than that. Aaaand that’s where you get into Comic Book Quickies, but that’s a story for another day.

By this point, I knew where the Entity storyline was going and wanted to start laying the groundwork for the next major one. I don’t think I had QUITE figured out that I was doing the “His Blue Soul” arc yet, but I knew I was going to be doing the Gunslinger arc and Linkara’s journey, so I needed to start setting up Linkara’s assholery here and in the Lady Gaga review.


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