Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 74

Описание к видео Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 74

Well this one is a mixed bag of Luke and Noah, Chris, Henry, Katie and of course our gorgeous Dr Oliver. It ALL relates to his story so it's all in here!
To see Van and Jake together for one of their last scenes got me sad : ( When I watched this it I got a huge sense of nostalgia. I've always loved Noah so I always love when he makes an appearance as long as he's not being a douchebag... shame today he asked Luke to go to LA with him. NOAH NOAH NOAH. I love the chemistry Van and Jake have together and you can tell how much the many years they've acted alongside each other has developed their on-screen chemistry. It's so sad the writers threw them under the bus the way they do EVERYTHING.

To those who don't know the ending, Katie and Chris are VERY important to Reid's story. That's why all of these scenes are here. I AM GOING TO MISS HENRY AND KATIE SO DAMN MUCH. Praying to god they have a last scene together that FITS their amazing friendship... :D

Luke in Java made me so proud, ha! He's honest and truthful. It's so nice to see. Hearing him say he KNOWS that Reid wants him around and cares...awwwww. The awkwardness- CUT IT WITH A KNIFE. It's sad that they can't be friends... : (

Van Hansis is inexplicably BEAUTIFUL in this episode. Jake too. Such handsome guys.

DAMN RIGHT IT'S SERIOUS.... Reid is as soft as a kitten around Luke (well in comparison to others!) which says it ALL!

CHRIS you're an idiot. Have I mentioned that before? USING KATIE TO GET REID TO KEEP BREAKING THE RULES....damn you. Katie is special to Reid and Chris knows it. He's SUCH a coward, such a baby and burying his head in the sand.

Kick puppies.... I'll kick you Hughes. Moron.

Of course Katie would have to walk in. It's so hard to watch Reid LIE to her. All for the idiot. He can barely LOOK at her which is so sad to watch. He's come so far and now he's putting it on to spare her feelings. I love how Katie follows him...

"I care about you."

Those four words. Oh man. He's so protective and it's so obvious that if you are cared for by Reid Oliver, he'd hold on tight and never let a damn thing hurt you. THAT, in itself, is amazing.

It made me a bit teary watching that Luke and Noah scene. One of Jake's last EVER scenes on the show. I've spent a massive part of my life watching Van and it's so so SAD it's all coming to an end. Jake does a BRILLIANT job at playing hurt. He's come on SO much since he first joined ATWT. Awww : ) The eyes. Oh my god the way they looked at each other. We all know Luke loves Reid and I didn't see that look as "omg Noah I love you and want you"... it's something else... I can't quite put my finger on it but I didn't mind it so much.
Noah's still bitter and that sucks for him but he needs to just MAN UP and deal with what HE did and HIS part in all of this. Something the writers are constantly missing out in the writing of his character. Don't think we'll ever truly see him REALISE.

Seeing the past few years flash before me it's SAD. That scene was beautifully done. Van's breathing out was so in character, so intense and SO well done. It's perfect. It's hard to accept it's one of their last scenes together but as far as acting and chemistry go... it was bloody brilliant. I know a LOT of people hated it because Noah stroked Luke's cheek like Reid does and hated their connection but I didn't... it made me nostalgic and so proud to see two actors so changed and so excellent opposite each other.

Chris is a COWARD, I great bit useless coward. Can you tell I love him?! Katie deserves so much more. She deserves an easy and grand romance. It's not Chris' fault he's sick but he's SO damned inconsiderate to HIMSELF, to his family, to his supposed girlfriend and to REID.

Continued in part 75...


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