脊醫王鳳恩 - 倒立機對腰痛、坐骨神經痛有幫助嗎?(中/Eng Sub) Dr Matty Wong - Inversion table helps back pain and sciatica?

Описание к видео 脊醫王鳳恩 - 倒立機對腰痛、坐骨神經痛有幫助嗎?(中/Eng Sub) Dr Matty Wong - Inversion table helps back pain and sciatica?

今天我會和大家探討一下倒立機究竟對腰痛, 椎間盤突出和坐骨神經痛是否真的有幫助. 待會我們會做一些示範倒立機的動作以及有什麼注意事項. 其實很多病人會問我買一部倒立機回家做好不好甚至網友們會考慮是否該買一部倒立機呢?也許會對這些症狀有幫助. 在我們做這個倒立機的示範之前其實我想講一下這個倒立機的原理. 因為我們經常坐或站立受到地心吸力的緣故造成我們脊椎好像有一個壓力,我們叫compression. 但是當我們倒吊的時候, 其實我們將這些脊椎與脊椎間的空間可以擴闊令致更加多水分以及營養能夠走進椎間盤裏面, 以及當你倒吊的時候因為受到倒轉的拉力緣故, 令到深層在脊椎輔助在旁邊的小肌肉能夠有伸張以及拉展的感覺變成做完倒立之後其實整個人會輕鬆十分多, 這個就是基本上簡單的原理. 至於我們使用倒立機的時候有什麼注意事項以及什麼時候使用倒立機呢?我們現在馬上去片!

Today we will explore the inversion table to see if it helps disc herniation and sciatica. Later we will demonstrate how to use the inversion table and explain what to be aware of when using the machine. Many patients ask me if they should buy an inversion table to do it at home. Many online audience also considered buying one to see if it could help with their symptoms. Before we start to demonstrate how to do inversion, I would like to explain the biomechanics of an inversion table. when we stand or sit, we are affected by the gravitational force causing pressure in our spine, it is compression but once we are upside down we create more space between our vertebrates increasing the gap for more water and nutrition to absorb into the disc, when you are upside down experiencing the pulling effect it helps the deeper muscle which are attached on the spine to stretch and to have a pulling sensation causing the user to relax the muscle and the spine. That is the basic biomechanics of the Inversion table. As to what to look out for when using the table and how frequently do you use the inversion table? Let’s roll the clip!

#脊醫王鳳恩 #drmattywong #chiropractor #倒立機 #倒立機對腰痛 #倒立機對坐骨神經痛 #inversionHK #Teeter #inversiontable #backpain #sciatica #腰痛 #坐骨神經痛

Medical Center: www.excelmedicalgroup.com
MRI scanning: www.accurate-mri.com
Dr Matty Wong website: www.drmattywong.com
Collagen Supplement: www.drdisc.hk

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+852 2804 6813

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