TONE Your Pelvic Floor Muscles in JUST 10 Minutes!

Описание к видео TONE Your Pelvic Floor Muscles in JUST 10 Minutes!

TONE Your Pelvic Floor Muscles in JUST 10 Minutes!

Super exercises for the pelvic floor muscles, very easy to do, just 10 minutes a day and you will have a productive day. The exercises in this workout work your muscles well, especially in the pelvic area. This helps improve the performance of the organs.

0:00 Regular Squats
0:50 Single Leg Glute Bridge
2:30 Bridge Hip Abduction
3:20 Dragon Pose
5:00 Heel Touches
5:50 Sitting Forward Bends
6:40 Lying Side Leg Tilts
7:30 Seated In Out Leg Raise
8:20 Crab Pose
9:12 Reverse Crunch Leg Drops
10:00 Seated Wide Side Adduction

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