How To Get An Ex To Notice You Again- During And After No Contact

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How To Get An Ex To Notice You Again - During And After No Contact

In this video were going to discuss;
- Understand It’s Being Noticed After You’ve Evolved
- The No Contact Rule
- Utilize Social Media To It’s Fullest
- Ruthless Actions and Kind Words

Way #1 – Understand It’s Being Noticed After You’ve Evolved
When I'm speaking with my clients and I explain to them that they need to evolve. A lot of people take this as me saying you need to change who you are. No. That’s not it at all, I believe that certain events in our lives that spark us, or cause us to take action and evolve, or improve ourselves.

A break up is a perfect example here, people come out of a break up telling themselves they’re going to better themselves and come out of this stronger. When we want our ex to notice us, we tend to expect this to happen too soon, when we haven’t done enough work to better ourselves.

Way #2 – The No Contact Rule
I talk a lot about The No Contact Rule. But when you look at this as a way to you need the No Contact rule as a point where you have time to evolve.

Taking this time not talking to your ex will also help the impact on your ex when they see you for the first time after you have worked on yourself to be a better version of yourself.

Way #3 – Utilize Social Media To It’s Fullest
One thing we know is that 90% of exes stalk us on social media. So, when you are posting all these exciting and interesting things you are doing with your life now. Your ex will feel like he is on the outside looking in, wishing he was able to have done some of these things with you or makes them change their opinion of you.

Way #4 – Ruthless Actions and Kind Words
I’ve been doing this for around seven years, and that’s a long time. But the most important that I’ve coined is the Ungettable Girl / Guy. It takes in the fact that humans want what they can’t have.

A way to describe someone who is Ungettable, is that they are ruthless with their actions, and kind with their words. The problem is people struggle to balance the scales.

Ruthless actions would be considered, having the ability to be ruthless in your execution and the necessary means to get your ex back. For example; following through and completing a No Contact. Another thing that is hard for people to do is, having a conversation with your ex, and you reach the peak but you have to make it end to leave your ex wanting more. Another important one is, being willing to lose your ex.

Kind words don’t really need explaining.

Here is the companion article:

The no contact rule link -
Facebook support group -


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