Employee Voice Power Hour: Defining the Listening Organisation

Описание к видео Employee Voice Power Hour: Defining the Listening Organisation

If you've come across our content before, you'll know we talk a lot about the age of the listening organisation.

This is the dawn of a new era; one where employee voice is seen as critical to business success, and every individual feels heard and valued.


This quote from Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella sums it up nicely:

"The future belongs to those who learn, listen, and adapt. The listening organisation doesn't only adapt to change; it anticipates it by paying close attention to the subtle, often unspoken signals from within and around it."

In this clip from the recent Employee Voice Power Hour - hosted by Inspiring Workplaces - Harkn Founder & CEO David Bellamy outlines the defining characteristics of a listening organisation.

At the heart of all those characteristics?

Live and continuous employee listening.

Catch David's full talk here:    • Inspiring Workplaces Power Hour: Empl...  



Harkn is leading the age of the listening organisation by redefining real-time employee voice as live, continuous, and always anonymous.

The Big Listen gives you the opportunity to experience all the benefits of live and continuous listening in just 90 days.

Navigate short-term change and lay the foundations for sustained success in employee engagement and wellbeing.

Find out more here: https://harkn.com/the-big-listen/



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