25 minute Yoga Practice for Arm Strength | Beginner Level

Описание к видео 25 minute Yoga Practice for Arm Strength | Beginner Level

Today I am offering you to follow along with this 25 minute Yoga Practice for Arm Strength (upper body strength). This sequence is designed more for beginner level. So if you find chaturanga pushup difficult, it will be perfect for you.

This beginner level yoga practice for arm strength or entire upper body strength is a great foundation practice. It is not complicated. But it is very effective. It includes a good warm up, plank holds with precise alignment guidance, strength builders in table top position, modified Downward Facing Dog, sphinx pose, dolphin pose hold and shoulder stretches to finish it off. All these basic poses present a great challenge when done with intention and good effort. This practice and skills that we will work on are also absolutely necessary if you would like to achieve arm balances and inversions in the future, for example: crow pose, headstand, forearm balance.

My favorite part about upper body strength within yoga practice is that because we work with our own body weight only our arms will not get bulky. We will be able to build a lot of strength while beautifully toning and shaping our arms. To the point where one day we might be able to hold our body on the palms of the hands in a good handstand.

So get excited about this journey. Yoga for Arm Strength. It will not be that easy. 1 min plank hold is a big deal. Especially when you consciously push the floor away, engage into your muscles and actively recruit strength through your entire body.

No equipment is necessary for this arm strength practice. I encourage you to step onto the mat with a positive can-do attitude, curiosity, excitement. There will be couple of breaks offered within this 25 minute yoga for strong arms routine. If necessary, take more breaks. But make sure to do your best. Try to work on your upper body strength on a regular, consistent basis to see great results. You can compliment this practice with deeper shoulder stretches routine that I already have on my channel.

Do you best and stay patient and grateful for all the change you are creating.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me and subscribing to my channel.
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Much love,

Please note that all content on my Youtube channel is subject to copyright and other intellectual property ownership by me (Marina Alexeeva). Please consult with your doctor before starting any yoga or other exercise program. By participating in these yoga/exercise videos, you agree that you do so at your own risk and you understand and agree that neither Marina Alexeeva nor any persons associated with this channel have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content posted here.


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