Rich and Miserable: The Paradox of Trump

Описание к видео Rich and Miserable: The Paradox of Trump

You can be a billionaire and also be a total failure. Did you know?
You may be as rich as Croesus and be hated nearly everywhere you go.
Having wealth ain’t worth a damn thing in the end if you are still bereft of love.
If you think success means cash, then here’s a dollar. (which I’ll tell you where to shove).

There are simple minded fools who think a guy like Trump’s a fabulous success,
but I’d like to tell them frankly, nearly every aspect of his life’s a mess.
For if money bought you happiness, by rights, he should be smiling ear to ear.
but instead, the whiny little bitch, complains ‘bout life to any one who’ll hear.

Money can’t buy you happiness.
Money can’t buy you friends.
It’s what is inside you on which happiness depends
Money can’t make a silk purse out of some old piggy’s ear.
That’s the lesson that I’m stressing here.

Though the state of my finances isn’t close to Donald Trump’s, ‘far as net worth.
(Which, coincidentally, is also true when we’re compared in terms of girth.)
Nonetheless I have more happiness and love and friends who’ll lend me their support,
so I’m quite content to live here while the solitary Trump spends time in court.
copyright 2024, Bruce W Nelson


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