TOP Metabolic Conditioning Workouts (Metcon)

Описание к видео TOP Metabolic Conditioning Workouts (Metcon)

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A massive thanks to Anytime Fitness Bicester for letting me film on their premises!

Metabolic conditioning is a form of cardio that utilizes intense bouts of exercises at high intensity, usually with added resistance and short rest periods.

This makes metabolic conditioning perfect for burning calories while simultaneously sparing (and even building) muscle. Metcon can improve your cardiovascular health, encourage weightloss, increase work capacity and strength endurance, and generally turn you into a better athlete and mover. Because endurance is, arguably, more often a limiting factor than is strength!

I particularly enjoy structuring my workouts like a giant gradient. I start with lower-rep moves that are more strength or skill-based, and then progress to higher rep rangers. Ultimately, I often finish with metabolic conditioning. Better yet, if you choose the right move to target the same muscles you've just been working, you'll pool them with blood and metabolites to encourage further growth. Do a heavy shoulder workout then follow up with a metcon circuit of heavy bag and battle ropes: it's a real killer pump!

In this video, I discuss some of my very top picks for the best metabolic conditioning protocols. I'd love to know your favourites in the comments down below.

Thanks all!


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