Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 84

Описание к видео Dr Reid Oliver's Story - ATWT - Part 84

Oh Bob you took the words right out of my mouth!

...and THIS ladies and gentlemen is one of the last Reid and Luke scenes. It's so typically THEM and so typically Reid. God it's even awful typing it.

It shows how far Reid's come. He's still stubborn and leading a lot with his head...BUT Luke is so good for him. The chemistry is incredible as always even when they're arguing.... which is a LOT! Loved Reid's Dr Freud reference and basically insinuating that Luke's insane. How can one conversation between them have so much sparky bickering and name calling and accusations yet still be full of so much understanding and care and mutual respect and BRILLIANCE?

This entire conversation and the scene after it is exactly why I adore these two.

Eric's acting in this scene is nothing short of EPIC. It's Reid at his BEST. Oh man. Love the stuttering and the eye rolls and of COURSE the face pulling! : )

Of course Luke Snyder would do that... just spit it out and open his heart. I love the music as soon as Luke admits he's in love with Reid and the way Reid's face softens and looks a little shocked. I wonder if in Reid's past he's ever heard those words before...

Luke is adorable and loveable (as always) and Reid is silent and then sarcastic. Perfection! Haha!

Cue one of my ALL TIME favourite Reid quotes... "Hold the phone" I swear I smiled a million watt smile when he said that. It's so full of confusion and shock and typical Reidness that it's so in character. The fact he goes AFTER Luke is so hilarious as it's so Luke to run off and be all melodramatic. They fit, they compliment each other and just how MUCH is shown in their next scene.

"What did you say to Noah?"
The delivery of that line sent me spiralling : )
If I could HUG Eric for that ONE line I would!

I have to say, the scene between Kim and Bob is so wonderfully acted. When Kim asks Bob to promise her he'll let her know any changes... you can understand how these two actors have played alongside each other for over 50 years!

...and then we're back with the terrible twosome ;)
THIS scene is pretty much the summing up of why these two are INCREDIBLE and LEGENDARY and why so many people could not and still cannot get enough of them together.

THE TINY SMILE! THE TINY SMILE! THE TINY SMILE! Oh how I adore those little hints of the inner workings of Reid Oliver's brilliant mind ;) He's so adorable here. You can SEE how much it means to him and how much he loves Luke back. So we have a pissy Luke Snyder in a huff saying he loves Reid then saying he's not feeling it, Reid slamming him with reality and telling him he's overreacting and being all Snyderish, Luke arguing back and then them BOTH being completely unable to be mad at each other for long. The playful slap is so THEM. They're so damn dynamic together that it's ridiculous. "Don't try to be cute"... it's all too CUTE!

At 9:08 is one of my all time FAVOURITE Reid moments. That look of "oh are you now?" with a wry smile and an understanding nod of the head. He's not angry, he knows Luke's not angry, he's just irritated and there's a connection there so special that is conveyed in a single look. SO magic.

It would seem cold and unfeeling coming out of anyone else's mouth, the refusal to say "i love you" back but the tiny "so..." at the end takes me back to "I don't know what else to do" ... it's nervous Reid, unsure Reid and Reid not having a clue about how to react.

Reid's honest and open and those words he says afterwards are from the heart. He listens to Luke. You can see him unable to think of ANYTHING to say back and THAT, my friends, is a Reid Oliver first.

Luke is so caring. He lives by his heart and he's so driven by love. He's a precious gem of a character and I love how he goes to see Chris. He wouldn't be Luke if he didn't. I've been a steadfast Luke fan longer than I've been a Reid fan and I know he's a MUCH loved character. He's grown up on screen through awful times and I think a lot of people have so much love for him that means when the show ends, he'll be one character that people will miss dearly. I not only love Reid and will miss him but Van and Luke have been part of my life for so many years now that his scenes are as special to me and a lot of people out there ...


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