水煮牛肉 - 邂逅馮小姐 Sichuan Beef in Chilli Broth - How I met Ms. Fung

Описание к видео 水煮牛肉 - 邂逅馮小姐 Sichuan Beef in Chilli Broth - How I met Ms. Fung


This is a very famous Chinese dish from the Sichuan province. Get ready for numb lips and a proper sweat off. I'll also be taking a trip down memory lane and talk about how I met Ms. Fung.
If you like this vid, click "like" and subscribe to my channel. Cheers.

牛柳300克/grams of beef tenderloin
乾辣椒20隻/dry chilis
花椒1手滿份量/handful of Sichuan Peppers
芽菜約300克/grams of bean sprouts
蔥3-4條/stalks of spring onions
蒜頭6粒/cloves of garlic
薑1吋長/inch long of ginger
豆腐乾2塊/dried bean curd
芫荽大量/a bunch of coriander
紹興酒少量/small dash of Chinese cooking wine
紅辣油2湯匙/tbsp of red chilli oil
花椒油2湯匙/tbsp of Sichuan Pepper Oil
辣豆瓣醬2湯匙/tbsp of spicy broad bean paste
油2湯匙/tbsp of oil
雞湯200毫升/ml of chicken stock
水300毫升/ml of water
蠔油2茶匙/tsp of oyster sauce
白胡椒粉半茶匙/half tsp of white pepper
鹽1茶匙/tsp of salt
糖少量/pinch of sugar to taste
粟粉1茶匙/tsp of cornflour

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