睡覺到半夜小腿抽筋I在床上可以做伸展I平時可以做什麼伸展小腿運動減少晚上小腿抽筋的情況-脊醫王鳳恩(中/Eng Sub)Exercises to improve leg cramps at night

Описание к видео 睡覺到半夜小腿抽筋I在床上可以做伸展I平時可以做什麼伸展小腿運動減少晚上小腿抽筋的情況-脊醫王鳳恩(中/Eng Sub)Exercises to improve leg cramps at night

大家有沒有試過睡覺到半夜小腿抽筋呢? 其實常見的原因都是因為可能白天總是坐吧, 少一點拉筋的運動甚至有一些病人可能是長期跑步或者有些長期的病患例如是糖尿病的病人都會容易晚上抽筋. 如果你夜晚抽筋的時候最容易就是落地伸展腳就會好一點, 但很多時候當我們睡覺睡到半夜的時候整個人都不清醒而突然落地都有機會可能會摔到. 今天我們設計了一些的運動, 大家可以在床上也可以做伸展, 另外如果我們想晚上小腿抽筋的情況減少, 其實在白天平時可以做多點伸展小腿的運動, 令夜晚抽筋的狀態也會減少的....

Have you experienced leg cramps in the middle of the night while sleeping?
The common cause is due to prolonged sitting during the day. Lack of stretching exercises and even long-distance running. And may be chronic illness, such as diabetesI. t is easily lead to leg cramps at night, if you experience leg cramps at night, the easiest way to step down on the ground and stretch. However, when we are deep asleep in the middle of the night,
we are not fully awake, and there is a chance of accidentally falling.
Today, we have designed some exercises that you can do in bed to stretch.
If we want to reduce the leg cramps at night, we can also do some stretching exercises during the day. This can help reduce the frequency of leg cramps at night....

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#Body Performance - Physical Trainer Onna


Disclaimer: The content and information provided on this video is for reference only and does not replace medical assessment or professional treatment. Please consult registered chiropractor or registered medical doctor for inquiry


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