Описание к видео [ENG SUB] 腊肉(粵語版) CURED PORK

腊肉是中国腌肉的一种,主要流行于四川、湖南、重庆、江西和广东一带,但在南方其他地区也有制作,由于通常是在农历的腊月进行腌制,所以称作“腊肉”。 Lax (xī là with "la") meat refers to processed products made by curing the meat and then roasting (or insolating in the sun). Bacon has strong antiseptic ability, can prolong the storage time, and add unique flavor. Cured pork is made in the twelfth lunar month for the New Year’s Eve.

1. 撿查猪皮上是否有一些遺留的豬毛, 用火槍燒一下,或用刀刮除,清洗瀝乾,再用厨房紙吸乾水份.
2. 大盤中放入肉條,分3次下醃料,反复按摩搓匀, 蓋上保鲜膜放入雪柜醃一夜.中間翻動两三次更易入味.
3. 掛在凉架上風乾.北美秋冬季節室內開放暖氣,湿度通常是40度左右,比較干燥,在土庫涼晒很适宜,一般5-6天會乾透.涼晒的第一天,有少許汁液滴下,可在地板上墊些舊報紙,一般5天前水份慢慢風乾,肉的表面暗淡無光,5天後肉表面出現少許油光,水份几乎乾透,再渗出者只有油份.表示腊制已經完成.可以收藏.
4. 自制腊肉沒有放防腐劑,所以風乾後,馬上放入食物膠袋放置冷藏櫃保存.使用時隨時解凍.因它含水份不多觧凍也很快的.

1. Remove remaining pig hair with a torch or scrape it with a knife. Wash, drain and dry.
2. Put the meat strips in a large plate, add marinade sauce, massage and rub repeatedly, cover with Saran wrap and marinate in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Turn it two or three times in between.
3. Hang pork to air dry. In North America, the indoor drying is suitable after heat is turn on during fall and winter. The humidity is usually around 40 degrees. Generally, pork will dry out in 5-6 days. On the first day, place old newspaper on the floor to catch the drippings. As pork dries out, and the surface of the meat will be dull. After 5 days, the surface will appear a little oily.
4. Wrap pork in a plastic bag and freeze for long term storage.


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