要做頸椎手術?還是可保守治療? MRI DTI影像可分析頸椎神經嚴重程度I再作出決定-脊醫王鳳恩 (中/Eng Sub)Cervical surgery? MRI DTI aid decision

Описание к видео 要做頸椎手術?還是可保守治療? MRI DTI影像可分析頸椎神經嚴重程度I再作出決定-脊醫王鳳恩 (中/Eng Sub)Cervical surgery? MRI DTI aid decision

和為什麼決定做頸椎手術之前也最好做這個DTI 呢?為什麼讓多一點分析的數據可讓我們可以決定我們是用保守治療的方法還是採取手術的方法.現在我們選擇幾個case出來跟大家分享一下....

Many patient & friends asked me to talk more on DTI scan. What is the function of this DTI? Why before proceed on cervical surgery better to do DTI scan. Provide more analytical data of the cervical spine condition. Should we choose conservative treatment or surgical treatment. Now let's share a few cases......

#脊醫王鳳恩 #drmattywong #chiropractor #drwong #dti #cervicaldti #cervicalsurgery #necksurgery #handnumbness #painrelief

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18 Floor, Euro Trade Center, 13-14 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong (next to World Wide House, Exit A, MTR Central Station)
Enquiry and appointments are welcome: +852 2804 6813


Disclaimer: The content and information provided on this video is for reference only and does not replace medical assessment or professional treatment. Please consult registered chiropractor or registered medical doctor for inquiry


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