脊醫王鳳恩 - 圓肩≠寒背 四招改善長期肩痛! (中/ Eng Sub) Four exercises to improve rounded shoulders and hunchback

Описание к видео 脊醫王鳳恩 - 圓肩≠寒背 四招改善長期肩痛! (中/ Eng Sub) Four exercises to improve rounded shoulders and hunchback

今天我會跟大家說一下什麼叫圓肩, 其實如果大家有寒背的時候, 很多時候也會有圓肩 , 但是未必有圓肩就代表有寒背, 那你會問為什麼會這樣呢? 因為一般寒背是背脊向前傾 和頸椎向前傾, 所以就會形成了寒背的情況, 但是圓肩是指兩邊膊頭向前彎, 所以不一定有病人當有圓肩的時候是有寒背的. 相反地寒背的病人當他們身體和頸椎向前的時候, 他們的膊頭少不免也會有傾前的現象 , 所以這個我們會叫圓肩. 圓肩的朋友會有什麼的症狀呢 ?

Today I want to talk about round shoulders. If you have kyphosis, then you might have round shoulders. However you have round shoulder but might not have kyphosis. What is the reason? When you slouch then your upper back moved forwards as well as your neck is forward, causing hunchback called kyphosis. However round shoulders meaning two shoulders curving forward, therefore patients who have rounded shoulders might not have kyphosis. But when patients has kyphosis, their body and neck always lean forward, their shoulder will lean forwards as well, then rounded shoulder appeared. What kind of symptoms patient has with round shoulders?

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Medical Center: www.excelmedicalgroup.com
MRI scanning: www.accurate-mri.com
Dr Matty Wong website: www.drmattywong.com
Collagen Supplement: www.drdisc.hk

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