脊醫王鳳恩 -O型腳X型腳 , 運動可變直? (中/Eng Sub)-Leg exercises can improve Bowknee and Knock Knee - Dr Matty Wong

Описание к видео 脊醫王鳳恩 -O型腳X型腳 , 運動可變直? (中/Eng Sub)-Leg exercises can improve Bowknee and Knock Knee - Dr Matty Wong

今天我會跟大家說一下 O型腳X型腳, O型腳常見在長者, 因為膝關節因年紀大開始有退化和磨損的情況, 內裏的半月板開始磨損, 大腿骨和小腿骨的距離就接近了而形成了O 型腳. O型腳情況之下膝關節出現炎症和痛症, 當走路上或上落樓梯都會吃力和辛苦. 但一般比較年輕朋友患上O型腳, 是因為他們的腳型有點問題, 例如是扁平足的朋友 或者是高足弓的朋友, 他們都會容易有O型腳和X型腳的情況出現. 走路的時候有內八字或者是外八字 也會形成了這些情況出現的. 一般的痛症也是在膝蓋 上落樓梯有困難 坐得久站立時 膝蓋會卡住甚至乎也會聽到咯咯聲的聲音, 我們解釋下O型腳和X型腳的分別......

Today I will talk about Bow leg and Knock knee. Bowleg is the most common amongst elders. As they grow old, the knee joint start to deteriorate, wear and tear condition. The medial meniscus degenerate causing the distance between knee joint getting closer. Knee joint inflammation and pain occur at the knee joint. When they walk up and down or walking stairs is difficult. For younger people suffer from bow leg, such as flat feet or high arches. They will be easily prone to have bow leg and knock knee. They will walk with toes inwards or outwards. The pain is at the knee joint as well, hard to walk stairs or standing from sitting, feeling lock knee, and might hear cracking sound at the knee joint. Before exercising, I will explain what is bowleg and knock knee....

#drmattywong #脊醫王鳳恩 #膝痛 #膝運動 #kneepain #kneeexercise #chiropractor #bowknees #knockknees

Medical Center: www.excelmedicalgroup.com
MRI scanning: www.accurate-mri.com
Dr Matty Wong website: www.drmattywong.com
Collagen Supplement: www.drdisc.hk

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