Gisele MacKenzie: Songs from Your Hit Parade #13

Описание к видео Gisele MacKenzie: Songs from Your Hit Parade #13

Gisele MacKenzie is seen in a series of her live performances on the long running, very popular, 1950's TV show, Your Hit Parade. Gisele spent four years singing the top hits of the day in various settings, before graduating to her own NBC-TV program.

Sincerely finds Gisele getting impatient in a restaurant as she is waiting for the late arrival of her date.

Secret Love has Gisele singing this hit tune as a geisha girl.

Let Me Go Lover was a long-running hit that challenged everyone to find unique ways to present this song. Here Gisele is a marionette trying to break the strings of her boyfriend.

Stranger in Paradise presents Gisele at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

The Ballad of Davy Crockett was another hit that just wouldn't go Gisele is a pioneer woman heading west with her family in a covered wagon.

Auld Lang Syne finds Gisele and the Your Hit Parade Cast on New Year's Eve, 1955, closing the show.


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