
Описание к видео 【基本のシュークリーム】なぜ膨らまない??なぜ潰れた??シュー生地の疑問を解説してます。



水        113g
牛乳 50g
グラニュー糖 4g
塩 2g
無塩バター 76g
薄力粉 113g
全卵 ~200g~











牛乳               240g
バニラのさや           0.3本
卵黄  55g
グラニュー糖  56g
薄力粉 11g
フランプードルまたはコンスターチ 11g



生クリーム(35%)  100g
グラニュー糖 7g
バニラエッセンス 数滴



カスタードクリーム 250g
シャンティクリーム 100g



#本格お菓子#手作りお菓子 #お菓子作り#シュークリーム#おうちスイーツ


[Choux pastry]

Water   113g
Milk 50g
Granulated sugar 4g
Salt 2g
Unsalted butter 76g
Flour 113g
Whole egg ~200g~

①Put water, milk, granulated sugar, salt, and unsalted butter in a saucepan and heat.

②Mix everything evenly, and when it boils, turn off the heat and add the sifted flour all at once.

③Mix with a whisk until it comes together, then put it back on the heat (medium) and cook while stirring with a wooden spatula.

④When a thin film forms on the bottom of the pot, remove from the heat and place in a slightly larger bowl.
※If the butter's fats and oils start to seep out before the thin film forms on the bottom of the pot, remove from the heat at that point.

⑤Put in half of the room temperature whole eggs and mix with a rubber spatula. Once mixed, add a little at a time.

⑥When scooped up with a rubber spatula, it should form a triangle. If it is too hard, add more whole eggs.

⑦ Using a star tip no. 7 cut into 8 pieces, pipe out 27g to 29g per piece. The trick is to pipe it out slightly flat. If this is difficult, you can pipe it into a round shape using a round tip.

⑧ Spray with water and bake in an oven preheated to 200℃ for 20 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 170℃ and bake for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 150℃, vent the oven if it has an exhaust function, and bake for 5 to 6 minutes.
*The baking time will vary depending on the type of oven and the amount put in, so it is only a guideline.

⑨ Once the choux pastry has cooled, make a hole in the bottom and pipe the diplomat cream into it.

[Custard cream]

240g milk
0.3 vanilla pods
55g egg yolk
56g granulated sugar
11g plain flour
11g franc poodle or cornstarch

*Please refer to the separate video for more details on custard cream.

[Chantilly cream]

100g fresh cream (35%)
7g granulated sugar
A few drops of vanilla essence

① Combine all ingredients and whip until stiff for 5-6 minutes.

[Diplomat cream]

250g custard cream
100g chantilly cream

① Add chantilly cream to loosened custard cream and mix with a rubber spatula.

Thank you for watching until the end😊
I've already posted a video on Instagram, but next time I'm going to use this choux pastry to make cream puffs.

Please take a look if you like!

#authenticsweets#handmadesweets #bakingsweets#creampuffs#homemadesweets


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